EnglishSan Diego, USA

Buy Now

Domain Order Summary

Domain Detail Amount Purchase Price $8,888
Buyer's Escrow Fee $172.48
Sub Total $9,060.48
Domain Detail Due Amount Setup fee - applied to total** Now (click below) $50.00
Balance Within 72 Hours $9,010.48

* All transactions are subject to availability.  If the domain is no longer available, the transaction will be cancelled within 48 hours.

** The transaction setup fee is necessary to prevent fraudulent/fake transactions.  The fee is applied to the total balance.  The setup fee is non-refundable except in cases where the domain is no longer available.

What's next?

Once your setup payment is processed and approved the following steps will occur:

  1. A transaction on will be created.
  2. You'll receive an email from
  3. Once the escrow payment is made, escrow will take 1-3 days to approve the payment.
  4. The domain will then be unlocked and an auth code will be sent to you via email, or via account push.
  5. Once the domain is received, you would then approve the transfer at to close the transaction.